How do you appraise a diamond?
A diamond appraisal involves a thorough inspection of your diamond by a jeweler or other individual who is trained in gemology. The appraiser will evaluate the technical aspects of your diamond (its color, cut, clarity, and carat size) and then use their understanding of the diamond market to help you value your stone.
Get Your Diamond Appraised
Know what your diamonds are worth. Visit us in person to speak with one of our talented jewelers. We will evaluate your diamonds for color, cut, clarity, and carat size to help you understand the value of your stone.
Diamond Color
The majority of mined diamonds fall between white and pale yellow or brown; what is known as the normal color range. Diamonds of more intense color are termed fancy color diamonds.
Diamond Cut
While diamonds can be cut in any shape, there are 10 popular diamond shapes: Round, Princess, Cushion, Oval, Emerald, Pear, Marquise, Asscher, Radiant and Heart shape.
Diamond Clarity
Diamond clarity is a measure of the purity and rarity of the stone, graded by the visibility of these characteristics under 10-power magnification.
Diamond Carat Size
Carat (ct.) refers to the unique unit of weight measurement used exclusively to weigh gemstones and diamonds. Carat weight is often confused with visual size.
Get in touch
Contact us today, or visit us in person. We are open 6 days a week at our downtown Kissimmee location. We look forward to serving you.
Visit us:
106 Broadway Ste A & B, 106 Broadway STE B, Kissimmee, FL 34741
Phone: 407-201-3989
Email: [email protected]
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